Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mission Questions and Answers

Earlier in the year, a woman attending a seminary asked us to respond to some questions for a class she is taking on mission.  We thought our answers were a good way to start a series of monthly blogs on our mission experiences.  Every month we will share with you 5 people or groups which influenced our mission work.  In addition, we will share some of our experiences.  If you have questions about mission that you would like us to answer.  please send them to bobsnow_2005@yahoo.comNow the questions.—

1.  What are the greatest challenges you encounter in your ministry?
BOB - In many ways, every day is a challenge.  In the first part of our ministry learning Spanish was by far the greatest challenge.  Through language you can learn more about the culture.  The first two years were especially difficult, because we did not know the culture we were called to serve.  In our third year, we began to understand this culture.  Another great challenge was determining how we could best serve the church in the DR.
ELLEN-In the beginning it was learning a foreign language and adapting to a culture that was very different from where I came from.    Now that I have been in this country for 16 years, I think my biggest challenges have been to be the bridge between North American mission teams and the Dominican people and clergy.  The two cultures are so different and sometimes North Americans want to be so generous, but they don’t understand there is a wrong and a right way to be generous. 
Another challenge that all missionaries face in a third world country, is the poverty.  You want to help everyone, but you know you can’t.  So you must decide who gets help and who doesn’t.  It is very difficult at times to work this out in your heart.  Who can I help and how much and how? 

2.  What are the greatest joys of your ministry?
ELLEN-  I think that any missionary receives great joy when you see that you have helped someone to know God.  When you see the fruits of your labors flourish and someone comes to you and says, you have helped me. 
 A personal joy to me is that I see relationships with Dominicans develop into deep trust and true affection for one another.  There is no greater joy than to realize that someone trusts you and truly cares about you. 
BOB- My greatest joy is worshiping in a poor barrio with my Dominican brothers and sisters in Christ.

3. What theology grounds your work in the particular ministry you conduct?
BOB­ ­: Matthew 25 35-45  Ellen and I heard a call to serve God´s forgotten and needy people.  We were involved in prison ministry in Nebraska for many years, which is certainly a mission field.  It proved to be a training program for foreign mission work.  Mission involves accepting and working comfortably in another culture.
ELLEN - First of all, my love of the Father is my motivation for everything I try to do.  Without that love to show me and guide me and strengthen me, I could not do anything.  I believe now, that all things are possible with God’s love.  To love God is so simple.  The world wants us to believe it is too difficult, but that simplicity, the faith of a child, is so important to loving God enough to give him yourself completely.  As I write this, I realize that is the joy of my ministry, is to love God with all my heart, and mind and soul. 

4. What surprises did you find or encounter in your work?
ELLEN - The first surprise that I found in my work is that I could work with my husband and form a real trust relationship with him.  We work as a team.  We come from very different perspectives, but we have learned to count on each other to give us a different twist on all things. 
I can’t tell you how many times I have learned that the power of prayer really, really works.  God answers prayers.  He answers big prayers and little prayers. 
On the negative side of things, I have been shocked sometimes at how insensitive people can be to one another.  I have also been shocked at North Americans that do not understand what is going on in the rest of the world from the stand point of cultural differences and just the world poverty.   I guess I will say that working in another country has opened my eyes to many things, good and bad. 
BOB - Like most missionaries, we were surprised that we have received more spiritually from those we were sent to served, than we were able to give to them.  It seems that the poorer the community, the richer the spirituality among its people. 

5. What forms of support have you received?
BOB - We have received financial, prayer, and love support.   This support comes from churches and individuals.  We have visited over 125 churches to talk about mission, not necessarily to ask them for personnel support.  However, many of our financial supporters come from the churches we visited.  We also receive a stipend from the USA National Church as appointed missionaries.
ELLEN -  Oh my goodness!!! I could go on for hours about this subject.
Not only have we received financial support of all kinds, but people have been  generous with their prayer support.  Plus many people are kind to us.  They will send us care packages of things that we couldn’t get here at first.  Just to give you a little list – chocolate chips, peanut butter, mint tea, peppermint hard candies, etc. etc.
We receive e-mails and letters and cards from many, many people, some we don’t know too well. 
    We have received support from the National Church in the years past.  The church here has been a wonderful support to us.  The Dominican Diocese is always ready to help us when something is needed.  They help us find doctors when we need it, they have helped us when our apartment was broken into and we had to have doors replaced.  They have been a wonderful support system for us. 

6. How have you been received by the receiving community or other communities you have visited?
ELLEN - The receiving community helped us by having another missionary help us get established here.  They received us with warmth and love.  However, I think they waited to see if we would stay here.  Most missionaries don’t stay for a long time.  Usually, they stay for four or five years and then move away to another location or back to the states.  I think they thought we would do the same.  However, once they knew we were staying, things began to change.
    Because our ministry takes us all over the diocese, we have been received in many communities with open arms.  I know that at first we represented North American teams, but as the relationship formed, they realized that we were here to help them. 
At first, I think communities were polite to us because they knew we were from the diocesan office, but as our relationship grew, we were received into other communities because the word had gotten around.  
BOB - We have been received extremely well.  Many of our Dominican friends, including the Bishop, say we are now part Dominican, a real compliment.

7. How have you been changed through your involvement in mission?
BOB - I cannot possibly list all the ways I have been changed through our involvement in mission.  Here are just some
·         A richer, deeper and more meaningful spiritual life.
·         More dependent on God, and less dependent upon me.
·         More laid back in dealing with life events coming my way.
·         More accepting of all God´s people, no matter skin color, smell, or mental attitude.  I love working with street people.
·         I demonstrate my love and care for people in a more personal and loving way.
·         Etc. etc. etc. etc.
ELLEN - Here is another subject that I could write a book.  I think the first and foremost thing is that my faith as a Christian has grown tremendously.  I am not afraid to offer to pray with people.  I am not afraid to talk about my relationship with Christ because I know now that it is the most important gift I can give to others. 
    My perspective on the world, on poverty, on just living has changed drastically.  I have lived a wonderful adventure with Christ for 16 years.  I no longer look at life and say how can we do this?  I look at life and say why not?  My life has been filled with so many wonderful adventures, that  anything outside of the mission field has to be anticlimactic.  I have been given the greatest gift a Christian could have been given and I am totally grateful for that gift. 
    My whole perspective on life has changed and will continue to change.  It cannot be expressed in words.  If I continue to try I will just frustrate myself and bore you. 

8. How has this affected your family/children who are either with you or geographically separate?
ELLEN - This is one of the down sides to being a missionary.  I would be dishonest to say everything was fine and is fine.  I will start with our parents.  I had just lost my father and I had to leave my mother.  But my only sibling came to me and said, “Ellen, I know God is calling you.  Go ahead, I will take care of mom.  We will be fine.”  This took a huge burden off my heart.  He is still doing what he was called to do.   My husband’s parents on the other hand, were in disbelief.  They couldn’t understand how we could leave our good jobs and family to do this. 
    My husband’s brothers had varied reactions.  Some did not want to talk about it.  One brother has supported us and ask us to visit with them all the time about our work and about Christian issues.
    Our children – We have two daughters.  One is a strong Christian, but she at one time found it hard to understand how we could leave them for this long.  However, we have a  good relationship.
    Our other daughter – In her formative years was quite a hand full.  But as she became a mother and matured, she has been the one who is more understanding about what we are doing.  She shares with us her deep faith in God and always wants to know what we are doing.  She is a single mom, she has very little to support us financially, but she will open her home to us any time and is always ready to visit with us when she can.   Her emotional support has meant a lot to us through the years. 
BOB - Our family is separated from us.  Our youngest daughter, who is divorced with two children, became less dependent upon us, or in other words grew up.  Our grandchildren would like us closer, but have a pride in what their grandparents are doing.  My Mom and Dad continually ask when we are coming home.  I think initially they thought we were crazy in giving up our jobs.  After 16 years they are accepting.  In some ways, I feel closer to my family, because when we go back we spend quality time with them.

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